Thursday, September 9

Of Chemo and Silver . . . . .

Willow one of the house fairies, in pensive mood

The problem with chemo therapy is that it doesn’t differentiate between your good fast growing cells and those pesky naughty ones that you want to get rid of.  Which basically means that every now and then, my treatment has to be put on hold whilst my blood cells that only take a matter of days to develop and grow, are given a breather to regroup.

Following  the drama of the fluid being drained from around my lung after a transfusion of  platelets, treatment  was postponed for two weeks.  Being  chemo~free is a mixed blessing. It gives my body chance to catch up, even gather a bit of energy but in the back of my mind I can feel the fingers of the disease start to claw their way out of the deep dark pit that I’ve banished the cancer in to.  This illness is particularly pernicious  . . .

But to keep my mind on far better and brighter thoughts, I have been working on a commission piece.  The brief was quite open, to make anything that I felt appropriate for a wonderful young lady.  So I asked for a ‘mood board’ to describe the recipient and this was what I produced based on the the pictures, words and ideas that I was given.

Air on a G note
Commission Brooch for a friend.

PMC+ fine silver, with hand painted slip 'G clef', hand carved staves and copper staple, riveted onto base of brooch.

Pearl and glass beads on fine silver dangles, with cotton thread and lavender quartz beads on hand made sterling silver fibula pin.

Coloured with liver of sulphur and coated with Ren Wax.

Brooch ~ approx 45mm x 27mm Fibula ~ approx 65mm