Isn’t it wonderful?
The snowdrops are in full peal and yet already we have the beginnings of the annual daffodil extravaganza. Today, whilst dodging between the snow and rain showers I captured this wonderful flower against the only bit of blue sky we had all morning. The afternoon wasn’t much better but I was resting on the sofa having tired myself out again, so didn’t really worry too much about the state of the weather. Apparently we are going to have more snow . . .
But what an auspicious day it was today! One year ago our adorable standard poodle was born and although we didn’t know it until several weeks later, one of the litter of 10 puppies was destined to become Charley.
He has grown into a really wonderful companion, although currently he has the body of an adult and the attitude of a youngster. And that’s very apparent when he comes bounding up to a new friend, whether human or canine! This morning, as he romped around the field I couldn’t help but laugh when he returned to me covered in mud following a particularly energetic encounter with a mole hill. He’s still my puppy no matter how old he is . . .
This week I had a lovely treat. Having donned my favourite jacket and smothered myself in glitter (but of course!) the ever wonderful KnitNurse took me out for a foray in to the world of wool skeins and hot chocolate. We perused, and in her case purchased, some lovely tactile fluffy goodness before partaking of a local coffee/bookshop where I was introduced somewhat intimately, to the resident feline. *smile*
The hot chocolate was yummy and the chat delightful whilst we knitted away and probably amused the bookshop owner with our muttered oaths when stitches didn’t follow the perfectly ordered patterns . . . As I’ve said before, knitting, talking and drinking tea (or in this case hot chocolate with lashings of cream and choccie flakes!) is my perfect way to spend time with a friend.
Big hugs and thanks to the KnitNurse. :)
BTW I have to end with this picture, seeing as the birthday boy managed to squeeze in the background so beautifully.